View Full Version : Codename Panzers: Phase 2 [OUT]

02-10-2005, 14:34:43
Codename: Panzers Phase Two
CDV Software Entertainment


PROTECTION: StarForce3.4.77.00
SIZE: 87x50MB

IN PHASE TWO, PLAYERS WILL encounter new and familiar heroes as
the battleground of World War II shifts to Africa, the
Mediterranean, and the Balkans. New units, buildings, terrain
and tactical capabilities, along with challenging and
surprise-filled missions and campaigns, round out this newest
offering from CDV Software Entertainment and Stormregion. A
full-featured mission editor will also be included to expand the
gameplay. No fan of World War II or RTS games will want to miss

Three captivating campaigns, inspired by key battles of World
War II, all of which can be viewed from the perspectives of the
Anglo-American Allies, the German-Italian Axis, or the
Yugoslavian resistance forces. The action takes players from the
sweltering deserts of Africa, to the scenic Italian and Sicilian
countryside, and into the former Yugoslavia, famous for its
gorgeous yet treacherous heavily forested mountain landscapes
A variety of new and familiar hgoals, and a number of surprises all combine to keep game play
fresh and challenging with superb replay value
A comprehensive editor allows ambitious players to create their
own missions, complete with triggered cut-scenes, scripted
events, modified maps and terrain features. The editor even
allows modification of units to better match a player's personal
Day-night cycles take on an even greater importance with night
time stealth and search and destroy missions. Certain vehicles
are now equipped with headlights and taillights that may be
switched on to aid their driver's visibilityunfortunately they
also disclose one's presence to the enemy
Hundreds of fully destructible object types and buildings
comprise the battlegrounds in which units interact even more
realistically with the terrain. More than twenty new unit types
and variants are introduced, broadening tactical capabilities
An enhanced version of the celebrated Gepard 3D graphics engine
renders the environment in genre-defying detail; players can
zoom, pan and rotate the camera view for optimal close-up detail
or pull back for improved strategic awareness and battle
Rich and diverse linked and stand-alone missions with innovative
primary, secondary and secret objectives challenge the player's
tactical prowess; rarely will one standard tactic be successful
across multiple missions
All missions support competitive and cooperative game play
allowing players to fight against their most dastardly online
antagonists or alongside their favourite allies, crushing their
enemies on the virtual battlefield
A deeper, richer plot, much of which was written by two
acclaimed U.S. screenwriters that have worked on television
projects such as Law & Order, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and the
upcoming cinema adaptations of the Dungeon Siege game series
Improved, high quality voice-overs were recorded in a premium
Los Angeles sound studio; characters now feature established
voice talents. Currently in final negotiations with Peter
Weller, best known for his roles in Robocop, The Adventures of
Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, Naked Lunch and





4.02 GB :eek:

Bom esse é um jogassoooo vou encarar essa maratona ae pq gostei muito do 1º apesar de eu não o ter terminado heheheh mas pena que o release é clone acho que vou esperar outra versão!

02-10-2005, 15:47:49
AE WILD ESSE E O JOGO!!Tava demorando,ate que enfim,sera que vai estar pesado? porque o primeiro nao deu nenhuma rateada,esse vale a pena,vamos
ver o que ele tem a acrescentar em relacao ao primeiro..quero saber se ele
esta leve..se alguem puder dizer depois...
Marco :cool:

02-10-2005, 16:01:19
acho que n eh tao pesado malboro lembro que o phase 1 eu rodava tudo high so ficar um poco lento em certas partes eu tinha uma 9600 pro na epoca rodava com filtros etc eh demais o 1 vamos ver este !!

02-10-2005, 17:13:21
AE WILD ESSE E O JOGO!!Tava demorando,ate que enfim,sera que vai estar pesado? porque o primeiro nao deu nenhuma rateada,esse vale a pena,vamos
ver o que ele tem a acrescentar em relacao ao primeiro..quero saber se ele
esta leve..se alguem puder dizer depois...
Marco :cool:

cara provavelmente deve exigir um pouco mais do pc do que o primeiro mas não acho que esteja pesadão não pq é a mesma engine hehehe

mas tb não sei se vai acrescentar tanto assim ao jogo... TALVEZ ele seja uma super expansão stand alone

02-10-2005, 20:08:17
cara provavelmente deve exigir um pouco mais do pc do que o primeiro mas não acho que esteja pesadão não pq é a mesma engine hehehe

mas tb não sei se vai acrescentar tanto assim ao jogo... TALVEZ ele seja uma super expansão stand alone
edita teu post pq ele ta mostrando como fazer pra roda o jogo ou seja; suporte pra roda jogo pirata eeuheuheuheuhe :p

02-10-2005, 22:06:15
heuheu ja editaram eu me esqueci disso uauhahauhahua e tipo muita gente faz isso aqui bota e depois edita... dessa vez eu esqueci foi mal ae galera :)

bom pelo que li sobre o game, as capanhas deste são maiores do que o outro e tem mais unidades... o básico não mudou em relação aquele lance de continuar com as unidades independente do que se perder nas missões ou perdê-las à medida que forem destruídas

02-10-2005, 22:28:35
Umas infos a mais e um pouco mais resumidas hehehe

Features :

* 3 captivating campaigns, inspired by key battles of World War II
* A variety of new and familiar heroes
* The action takes you from the sweltering deserts of Africa, to the
* scenic Italian and Sicilian countryside, and into the former Yugoslavia
* Hundreds of fully destructible object types and buildings

* More than 20 new unit types
* A comprehensive editor allows ambitious players to create their own missions
* Rich and diverse linked and stand-alone missions with innovative primary,
* secondary and secret objectives challenge the player's tactical prowess

* All missions support competitive and cooperative gameplay, allowing you
* to fight against your most dastardly online antagonists or alongside your
* favorite ally, crushing your enemies on the virtual battlefield.

Minimum System Requirements :

* System: Intel P3 or AMD Athlon 1,0 GHz or equivalent
* RAM: 256 MB RAM
* Video Memory: 64 MB VRAM
* Hard Drive Space: 3500 MB
* Other: Direct X 9.0c

Recommended System Requirements :

* System: Intel P4 or AMD Athlon 1,8 GHz or equivalent
* RAM: 512 MB RAM
* Video Memory: 128 MB VRAM
* Video card : TL capable video card with 64 MB RAM (128 MB )

02-10-2005, 23:23:11
Umas infos a mais e um pouco mais resumidas hehehe

Features :

* 3 captivating campaigns, inspired by key battles of World War II
* A variety of new and familiar heroes
* The action takes you from the sweltering deserts of Africa, to the
* scenic Italian and Sicilian countryside, and into the former Yugoslavia
* Hundreds of fully destructible object types and buildings

* More than 20 new unit types
* A comprehensive editor allows ambitious players to create their own missions
* Rich and diverse linked and stand-alone missions with innovative primary,
* secondary and secret objectives challenge the player's tactical prowess

* All missions support competitive and cooperative gameplay, allowing you
* to fight against your most dastardly online antagonists or alongside your
* favorite ally, crushing your enemies on the virtual battlefield.

Minimum System Requirements :

* System: Intel P3 or AMD Athlon 1,0 GHz or equivalent
* RAM: 256 MB RAM
* Video Memory: 64 MB VRAM
* Hard Drive Space: 3500 MB
* Other: Direct X 9.0c

Recommended System Requirements :

* System: Intel P4 or AMD Athlon 1,8 GHz or equivalent
* RAM: 512 MB RAM
* Video Memory: 128 MB VRAM
* Video card : TL capable video card with 64 MB RAM (128 MB )
uhauhauha wild safadao

tu é fã da Lana né?
ta certo, q gatinha ela, isso se for mulher msm :p

vamo ve qualé, a demo achei bacana

03-10-2005, 03:09:34
uhauhauha wild safadao

tu é fã da Lana né?
ta certo, q gatinha ela, isso se for mulher msm :p

vamo ve qualé, a demo achei bacana

uhauhahuauhahuauhahua não sou fã dela não mas ela sempre apresenta um bom trabalho no tópico de release

dae como na minha pesquisa nos sites oficial e de review eu tinha deixado os requerimentos de lado ae catei de lá heheheh pelo menos não pus as screens dela uhauhauhahuauha mas duvido que ela se importasse com direitos autorais heehhehehe

Agora a atriz que interpreta a otária da lana é realmente uma gata! uhauhahahuahuauh

Hellzito leechking jogando um montão de demo hein?!?!?!?